Import, filter by, analyze and interpret chemical structures and biological sequences alongside other related data in a highly visual and interactive environment for … CS ChemOffice Software Developer's Kit. Lead Discovery Premium transforms TIBCO Spotfire into the premier platform for advanced chemical and biological analytics. Forgot your Email address or Password? Login / Register. Don't have a PerkinElmer account? Create an account. Email Address. 54 min Unlock the power of your research with new Notebook features ; By: Ben Bracke, PhD.of PerkinElmer Informatics ; You have used ChemDraw™ as an Ideation tool for many years, planning out possible reaction pathways and drawing novel chemical compounds that one day may become a valuable product of the future. Not a registered user? Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Chemical Industry News. Login. latest topics: statistics: Hide: Category Listing Name: RSS: Topics : Last Post: ChemOffice and ChemDraw Desktop (1 sub categories) ( ChemOffice Core Desktop Applications) 861: 5/22/2020 10:37 PM by user1: Signals Notebook Discussion of Signals Notebook issues 3: 5/15/2020 4:12 AM by Jasonmathew: Tibco Spotfire Discussion of … Password. Faster insights and better science in the search for desperately needed new therapies In a previous post we noted the increasing importance of biologics as therapeutic agents, with 37% of the drugs approved by the FDA in 2017 being biologic entities. Please login read the code of conduct: help: refresh. Welcome to the CS ChemOffice software developer's kit (SDK) web site that provides documentation, sample code, and other resources for the ChemOffice component Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Log me in automatically on every visit. Log in to Your PerkinElmer Account. 172.

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