Viewing and creating MHTML files in current versions of Google Chrome is supported by toggling the "Save Page as MHTML" option on the chrome://flags page. Each time I have to add the .mht extension manually and change the file mask to *. However, enabling this experimental option disables saving pages as HTML-only or HTML Complete files. Open Internet Explorer, right-click anywhere in the top title bar and select Favorites bar. Restart the browser using your new shortcut. You are done. From the chrome://flags page: Save Page as MHTML Mac, Windows, Linux In Save As window, under Save as type, you will have both the archive format *.mht and *.maff including Firefox built-in types. You can open saved MHTML files in Internet Explorer too. When you save a Web page as "Web archive, single file (*.mht)" the web document gets saved in the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension HTML (MHTML) format with a .mht file extension. In the “Save as type” pull-down menu, select Web Archive, single file (*.mht) . MHTML, an initialism of MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents, is a web page archive format used to combine, in a single computer file, the HTML code and its companion resources (such as images, Flash animations, Java applets, and audio and video files) that are represented by external hyperlinks in the web page's HTML code. @yrreticon said in [Bug]Cannot disable "Save Page as MHTML": I guess this problem is never going to be fixed. Click OK and confirm the UAC prompt. Now for the last step.

Add the command line argument --save-page-as-mhtml after the chrome.exe portion. * Select the single file (*.mht), and click Save button to store it as Web Archive and make everything in one file.
Save HTML in Edge is an app available for both Windows 10 PC and Mobile which allows you to save a web page as HTML file. it works in 1 of 4 cases as a full page save, and in 2 of 3 cases as a reader version save (both being saved in .MHTml format). Chrome defaults the file to save as type .txt instead of .mht when trying to save a web page. In the Save as window, choose Webpage, Single File under Save as type. To save the page you’re looking at, press Ctrl-S to bring up the Save As dialog box. It depends on a number of factors such as how many users it affects and how easy/difficult it is to fix.

Choose you format. So it seems that the bug happens erratic, without a clear cause. * The page will be displayed in Internet Explorer. How to Save a Page in MHTML Format Navigate to the page you want to save. Click OK and confirm the UAC prompt. In the Save Webpage dialog box, open the destination folder and select the Save as type drop-down menu to choose a format. Now, right-click on any area of the page and select "Save as", and ensure that the Save dialog has the "Web Page, single file" file type selected by default.

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