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The first Star Wars film made by Disney after it purchased the franchise is set 30 years after Return of the Jedi. If Star Wars had ended here, it would still be regarded as one of the greatest movies in film history. A list of the best Star Wars movies, ranked by fans and critics. Yet Star Wars launched a franchise that four decades later is stronger and bigger than ever. Solo, while it wasn't the best movie, does delve more into the backstory of Han Solo, the …

So while the main movies are easy to remember since they're already in the right order, you have to factor in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Since the premiere of the original Star Wars (A New Hope) in 1977, the saga of the Jedi, the Sith, and the Skywalker family have been favorites of movie-goers.Along with the original film, its sequels The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and The Return of the Jedi (1983) are considered some of the best movies of all time.The stories follow Luke … These are both solid films that can stand on their own, but Rogue One is especially important since the end leads right into A New Hope. It mixes pleasing classic Star Wars imagery of X-Wings, Darth Vader, Yavin and the Death Star with the extremely vague structure of a heist movie.

The Star Wars story is a gritty war movie about never giving up despite the insurmountable odds.

Disney has announced that a new Star Wars movie directed by Thor Ragnarok helm Taika Waititi is in development.

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