Next we need to get permission for the Google Search Console (GSC) API. The script’s webmasters_service object has several methods. Quickstart: Run a Search Console App in Python Step 1: Enable the Search Console API. The auth flow builds the “webmasters_service” object which allows you to make authenticated API calls to the Google Search Console API. There are many things that you can do with the Search Console API like getting search traffic and extracting indexed pages. The script just worked for me after installing the required Python dependencies. Each one relates to one of the five ways you can … Congrats — now you’re ready to run the script. Here is the body of the 'request' section in my python program to access data from the google search console API on a daily basis. In this post, we will make a very basic API call: get validated properties. To learn more, view my complete guide on Python for SEO. Downloading Google Search Console Data. Ah, the machine learning real world: 95% data collection and cleanup, 5% the cool stuff everyone blogs about. Make Your First Google Search Console API call with Python. Otherwise, anyone could get your data. Querying Google Search Console with Python.

Step 2: Install the Google Client Library. Turning on the API. To install the Google API Python …

This is where Google documentation kinda sucks… I’m glad you came here. Thankfully, this post from Moz walks through a script for downloading your GSC data to a collection of CSV files.

Although the code works fine, the number of clicks (and other parameters) from the API are much less than those visible in the search console browser for the same time frame. In the same way you have to log in to see Search Console data, you need permission to use the API.

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