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BBC World Service News – International news, analysis and information from the BBC World Service. Listen to BBC world service online on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Android!

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BBC World Service West Africa - UK - Listen to free internet radio, sports, music, news, talk and podcasts. Listen online to BBC World Service live streaming. Alla radioströmmar och radiostationer på ett ställe. Stream live events, live play-by-play NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, college football, NCAA basketball, and Premier League matches. You can listen to BBC world service LIVE on the internet easily! The BBC World Service began in 1932 as the BBC Empire Service, broadcasting on shortwave and aimed principally at English-speakers across the British Empire.In his first Christmas Message (1932), King George V characterised the service as intended for "men and women, so cut off by the snow, the desert, or the sea, that only voices out of the air can reach them". Listen to BBC World Service live and more than 50000 online radio stations for free on mytuner-radio.com. In-depth news and sport with audio, video and forums.
You can listen to BBC World Service in English on a range of platforms, including radio, online, satellite and cable, digital radio and mobile This is radio station from UK (England, London ) broadcasts content in news, talk formats in 56 kbps quality. Lyssna på internetradio från BBC World Service kostnadsfritt online på radio.se. BBC World Service UK - International news, analysis and information from the BBC World Service. Easy to use internet radio. …

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