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Of all the Star Wars installments we've seen over the past 41 years, Return of the Jedi undoubtedly has the happiest ending of them all. When George Lucas returned to making Star Wars movies, he chose to go back in time to tell the story of Anakin Skywalker before the events of the original trilogy, but that didn't mean fans were deprived of further adventures of Han, Leia, Luke, and other Star Wars favorites from the original trilogy. There is a bit of a divisive nature in regards to THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, although I think fans were kinder to … For the 2004 DVD release: when Luke removes Vader's mask, a new visual take shows Anakin with slightly altered makeup, most noticeable is the lack of eyebrows that was present in all previous versions. I'm watching Return of the Jedi again and I can see it's the remastered edition since the ghost of young Anakin from the prequel trilogy joins the ghosts of Yoda and Obi-Wan right at the end. The proportion of good-to-bad in Return of the Jedi is damned dubious, but it leaves us on a huge high after a protracted burst of its best material, and that makes it a hell of a popcorn movie, even after everything.

Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, marketed as simply Return of the Jedi, is a 1983 film directed by Richard Marquand and written by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas from a story by Lucas. Though Star Wars is beloved by all ages, creator George Lucas opted for a happy ending to Return of the Jedi so that it might be more family-friendly.

J.J Abrams' returned to the galaxy far, far away after kicking off the sequel trilogy in 2015 with Star Wars: The Force Awakens to wrap up the Skywalker saga last year with the ninth and final episode from the franchise. At the same time, the rebels hatch a plan to destroy the second Death Star. Even now, … Changes in Star Wars re-releases vary from minor differences in color timing, audio mixing, and take choices to major insertions of new visual effects, additions of characters and dialogue, scene expansions, and replacement of original cast members with newer ones.Though changes were also made to the prequel trilogy, the original trilogy saw the most alteration. Reviews in this series Star Wars (Lucas, 1977) The Empire Strikes Back (Kershner, 1980) Return of the Jedi (Marquand, 1983) 'Return of Jedi' summarily showed how Luke Skywalker attempts to bring his father back to the light side of the Force. Category Music; Song The Return of the Jedi (From "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi"/Score) Artist John Williams, London Symphony Orchestra After the rebels destroy the Death Star at Endor, there is a series of celebrations across various planets. I don't know that you can do a better ending than Return of the Jedi."

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