
You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.

如果是WIN 2003下出现这个问题,请按以下方式解决

I have tried on my smartphone and website works. Typically, folders and files within your web server have already been assigned permissions of either 644 or 755. So if the executable permission of chmod is removed, you can’t assign the permissions to any programs, including the chmod command itself.

️ Windows 10 - You don't have permission to save in this location Office Read-Only Issue Word Excel - Duration: 7:16. Try Firefox Safe Mode to see if the problem goes away.Firefox Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode that temporarily turns off hardware acceleration, resets some settings, and disables add-ons (extensions and themes).. hab nun mal die cookies und den cache bereinigt und nun läuft es wieder. If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu: In Firefox 29.0 and above, click the menu button , click Help and select Restart with Add-ons Disabled. You usually see PHP files with permissions set to 644 if … [Solved] Forbidden You don't have permission to access /index.php - Ask your provider to disable Mod_security 31 comments • 10:44, 26 February 2020 3 months ago 31 There may be some cases where you have to give the web server write permission to a file, or to a directory - this can be achieved by doing sudo chmod g+w /var/www/html/PATH (where PATH is the path to the file or folder in the directory structure where you need to apply the write permissions … By default, when changing symlink’s permissions, chmod will change the permissions on the file the link is pointing to. Como resolver o erro do app Caixa TEM "You don't have permission to access / on this server"

How to Set File Permissions Using `chmod' Files and directories in Unix may have three types of permissions: read (`r'), write (`w'), and execute (`x'). Ask Question Asked 3 years, ... then make them owned by # the access_bpf group, with permissions rw-rw----, so that # anybody in the access_bpf group can use programs that capture # or send raw packets. You don't have permission to access/on this server 0 Recommended Answers 8 Replies 145 Upvotes. – Carcer Jan 12 '16 at 18:29

As you may know, the chmod (stands for Change mode) command is used to set or change the access permissions of a file or directory in Unix-like systems. Stack Overflow Public questions and answers; ... you don't have permission to capture on that device mac. Fix: You don’t currently have permission to access this folder If the issue is with your Computer or a Laptop you should try using Reimage Plus which can scan the … Re: 403 Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /For Beitrag von RoboR » 17.05.2015 14:21 aha danke.

For example, to change the permissions of all files and subdirectories under the /var/www directory to 755 you would use: chmod -R 755 /var/www Operating on Symbolic Links # Symbolic links always have 777 permissions. 开始我以为我配置出错,花半天时间都没有搞定,今天终于搞定了. with chmod o+x /home/lamnk, and it will be able to traverse the directory, and therefore your site will start working. Give the nginx user execute on /home/lamnk, i.e. 原因:index.html是用root用户建的文件,apache权限不够。 解决方法:更改文件权限;chmod 755 index.html .

Hi all, when I try to access my own website I'm getting this message: FORBIDDEN You don't have permission to access / on this server. When you run it as nginx, it does not have the necessary permission (as only lamnk is allowed to execute on /home/lamnk) and therefore it fails. Windows 10 Guru 221,078 views

Each permission may be `on' or `off' for each of three categories of users: the file or directory owner; other people in the same group as the owner; and all others. On systems where symlink permissions matter (like OS/X where you need read permission to a symlink to be able to resolve its target), there's generally a way to change them (chmod -h on OS/X). Don’t use this set of permissions, for security reasons, on your web server unless absolutely necessary.

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