‎Limited time sales! * Multi-monitor to multi-monitor support for applicable services . Splashtop, the company best known for its instant-on operating system for notebooks, has created a simple but effective app for accessing your computer from an iPad, iPhone, or …

Splashtop Business Access*, Remote Support* and Splashtop Personal (formerly known as Splashtop 2) provide a method to perform Wake-on-LAN (WoL) which is similar to Splashtop v1.x.However, this is not an intuitive feature, and is performed using somewhat complicated settings.

… Splashtop Streamer -- Secure Remote 3D Graphics Splashtop -- High Performance 3D Remote Desktop ... 3G / 4G, WIFI, firewalls. Install Splashtop Streamer on your PC (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP) or Mac (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, EL Capitan). v3.1.8.0 Streamer for Enterprise (Windows) Splashtop March 15, 2019 08:13 Note: we previously used Splashtop Business before moving to Atera. – USA Today "No iPad-armed road warrior should be without it." Can anyone advise on the system reqirements needed to …

"Both a breakthrough and a bargain." * Broad device support -- iOS, Android, Windows, MAC, Linux, Chromebook, etc.
– NY Times "Splashtop -- Meet the most popular app on iTunes." I've started using the splashtop pc remote app on my ipad but my old laptop 1.83ghz core duo 2gb memory doesn't seem to be powerful enough to run the streamer smooth enough for video So flash and anyother type of video is a no go. (retail $19.99 USD) Check out other Splashtop Apps On Sales as well!

Download for free from www.splashtop.com;A computer with dual-core CPU is strongly recommended for best performance In this topic, we provide the instructions.

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