For more information, see How to configure and to troubleshoot mapped network drives that connect to SharePoint Online sites in Office 365 at Microsoft's Knowledge Base. Information from the SharePoint Online Support team.

Please be sure to answer the question. But avoid … Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To download the license file please login below. WebDAV makes use of the browser’s authentication cookie. According to Microsoft Premier Support, SharePoint Online supports the WebDAV standard (although we found documentation that stated it is not a ‘formal level’ of support). If Microsoft Office is unable to lock the document it will be opened as read-only.

Microsoft Office locks documents when creating and opening files for editing. Your WebDAV server must support Class 2. This "how-to-connect" documentation will explain the initial configuration of an example connection from WebDAV IIS to a SharePoint Online List in Office 365.

How to connect WebDAV IIS with SharePoint. Thanks for contributing an answer to SharePoint Stack Exchange! Tag: ADFS Cookie Persistence in SharePoint Online.

Java WebDAV Server Library. Re: Problems with webdav protocol You will find that WebDAV is not your friend with SharePoint. ... To activate the Edit Any Document for SharePoint you will need a license file. Provide details and share your research!

Introduction Certain legacy features in SharePoint Online — Explorer view, for example — leverage legacy technologies like Windows WebDAV. A Possible Solution: Microsoft recommended that we add our domain ‘string’ to our Trusted Sites Zone . If you are using SharePoint Online, the best option for accessing files locally is syncing the document library with the OneDrive sync client.

Your WebDAV server must be configured on the site root in case of MS Office 2007 or earlier. Work with your IT team to have the WebDAV service installed on all the Windows Server 2012 computers hosting Tableau Server.

Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

We will be synchronizing data stored in WebDAV IIS.

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