I need to set an SPN to do this. For example, in the case of SQL server setspn -A MSSQLSvc/ CLUSTER1 DOMAIN\!serviceSQL is the same as: setspn -A MSSQLSvc/CLUSTER1: 1433 DOMAIN\!serviceSQL If you register a SPN not specifying a TCP port, it only suports … All the guides out there seem to … The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/SERVERNAME.domainname.com:INTERNAL ] for the SQL Server service. As shown in the below screenshot, the server name here is CM2012 for NETBIOS name and CM2012.CONTOSO.COM Hi reddyesh, For example to configure an SPN for an availability group named LIFETIMEPRODLIT007 hosted on a set of instances of SQL Server all configured to run under the domain account corp/svclogin2: setspn -A MSSQLSvc/LIFETIMEPRODLIT007:1433 corp/svclogin2. To create a SPN for a SQL FCI, use the FQDN of the FCI instance. In this scenario, a service principle name (SPN) for the SQL Server Browser service is required in addition to the SPN for the named instance of Analysis Services. So when I spelled out the full domain name it worked in deletion: SetSPN -d "MSSQLSvc/SERVERNAME.internal.domain.com" "internal.domain.com\SERVERNAME$".However, after I run the 2nd command, Kerberos Configuration Manager complains about the same issue: … Thanks. Note You must be a member of the Domain Administrators group to run the Setspn command. I mean in a large domain it may not be the fastest, but it will offer you the ability to automate the validation/setting/etc.

When I put SETSPN - L FQDN . /* == Description == This script will check SPN and generate script like below if missed SETSPN –S MSSQLSvc/YOURSERVERNAME:1604 mydomain\svcAcct SETSPN –S MSSQLSvc/YOURSERVERNAME.mydomain.com:1433 mydomain\svcAcct == LIMITATION == - Make sure your sql server is not using DynamicPort - If the server is part of AG group, this script won't … If the instance of Analysis Services is clustered, use the Analysis Services virtual name as the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. Next you'll need a Domain Admin account to use (unless you are a Domain Admin you cannot use setspn for this type of AD updates).

Use SetSPN from either a member server or a client system to assign Service Principal Names to a user or computer account. Windows return code: 0xffffffff, state: 63.

For example, if the server name is MySqlServer.MyDomain.com and SQL Server is listening on port 1433 you could use the following commands to verify if a SPN already exists: setspn … In my case i am using an existing SQL SERVER 2005 and the Service Name is MSSQLSERVER The dbatools module includes functions around managing SPNs for SQL Server. It should be: setspn -D MSSQLSvc/bncsql02.na.int-bn.com computer You also de-register it from that user or computer. Turns out the internal.domain.com and DOMAIN are the same domain, the latter is the "pre-Windows 2000" name for the latter. For example, if the FCI name is "SQLFCI1" on the contoso domain and it listens on port 22000 with domain account SQLSvcAcct then the spn would be: setspn -s MSSQLSvc/SQLFCI1.contoso.com:22000 Contoso\SQLSvcAcct If you don't want to deal with doing this by hand there is a great tool provided by Microsoft for this.
We use the Kerberos authentication to authenticate windows users securely for providing access to SQL Server. However, you must manually create the SPN in SQL Server 2008 and in SQL Server 2005 like you create the SPN in SQL Server 2000 when the Analysis Services service is running under the security context of an account other than the LocalSystem account. Hi reddyesh, For example to configure an SPN for an availability group named LIFETIMEPRODLIT007 hosted on a set of instances of SQL Server all configured to run under the domain account corp/svclogin2: setspn -A MSSQLSvc/LIFETIMEPRODLIT007:1433 corp/svclogin2. I mean in a large domain it may not be the fastest, but it will offer you the ability to automate the validation/setting/etc. This is an informational message. Let’s start this article with a scenario that you might have faced in your environment. an SPN is registered against a user or computer. I can see the SPNs now set automatically : setspn -T * -Q */server.domain.local CN=SQL Engine Account,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Office Network,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL MSSQLSvc/SERVER… SetSPN – Learn more on the SQLServerCentral forums. The connection uses Kerberos authentication.

Setspn –A HTTP/www.myIISCluster.com mydomain\appPool1; Setspn –A HTTP/www.myEXCHCluster.com mydomain\appPool2; Scenario 4: Use SQL Server to access an application The SPNs on the back-end server may have to be verified if the IIS Web application requires access to a back-end computer that is running SQL Server. Then, the SQL Server Browser service determines the port on which the named instance is available. Install it on your computer (or server).

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