If however it still gives the access denied error, please Restart the Computer and then run cmd.exe as Administrator and then retry: sc config AppIDSvc start= demand sc config AppIDSvc start= demand Which should return: [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS. Mit sc /?

You typically use the Services GUI in Windows to configure a services start-up type, but you can also use the SC command to set the start-up type from the command line: sc config start= For example, sc config tlntsvr start=auto automatically starts the tlntsvr service when you boot the system. The PowerShell script works on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008 (and … I am looking for a command line command that will let me change a service from Disabled to Manual or AUtomatic. Windows search can index files, emails in Outlook and items and also browsing history from Internet explorer. C:\>sc config webclient start= auto [SC] OpenService FAILED 5: Access is denied. Each service is given a unique identification name which can be used with net or sc commands. I have searched Google but can not find the answer. ... Automatic start: sc config start= auto Manual start: C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc config WSearch start= auto [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Disable windows search for specific items.

Plug and Play is a Win32 service. Starten Sie nun den Computer neu, um den Spooler neu zu starten. サンプルソース. sc config "Audiosrv" start= demand (出力) [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS. werden die verfügbaren Optionen angezeigt: When the Plug and Play service is started, it is running as LocalSystem in a shared process of svchost.exe along with other services. サービスの表示名を変更する (入力) To enable windows search, we can run the below command. @echo off @sc create 服务名 binPath = " C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\win32srvdemo\win32srvdemo\Debug\win32srvdemo.exe " @net start 服务名 @sc config 服务名 start = AUTO @echo off @echo.启动完毕! @pause sc create [Program ID방식의 Service name] binpath= "서비스로 실행할 파일의 풀 경로 / 만약 매게변수가 있다면 함께" displayname= "서비스 관리자 애플릿에 표시할 이름" depend= "다른 관련 서비스의 ID" start= "시작형태" obj= "서비스 시작에 사용한 Windows NT 계정 이름" Windows search can index files, emails in Outlook and items and also browsing history from Internet explorer.

Öffnen Sie das Startmenü und tippen Sie „cmd“ ein.

The PowerShell script described here allows you to set the startup mode of a Windows service to Automatic (Delayed Start) on a local computer or on the remote computers specified in a list. sc.exe Dienste starten/stoppen und konfigurieren Die Befehle net start bzw. Hi, I am looking for a command line command that will let me change a service from Disabled to Manual or AUtomatic. Stellen Sie nun den Starttyp auf „Automatisch“ und klicken Sie „OK“. Sollte dies nicht funktioniert haben, können Sie den Spooler als Administrator neu starten.

サービスの実行パスを変更する (入力) sc config "Audiosrv" binPath= c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe (出力) [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS. The start options are In Windows 10 it is starting only if the user, an application or another service starts it. サンプルソース. Neustart per Befehl . Bei Versionen vor Windows 10 Note that the service name is not the display name of a service.

However, you may first try to enable the default administrator on your computer and later try to run the command in elevated command prompt and verify if your are able to run the command successfully. net stop funktionieren zwar auch unter Vista, sc ist aber viel umfangreicher. Beenden Sie den Dienst, dann starten Sie ihn wieder. To enable windows search, we can run the below command. If Plug and Play fails to start, the failure details are being recorded into Event Log. Have you tried to run the command in elevated command prompt? C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc config WSearch start= auto [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Disable windows search for specific items.
For example, Remote procedure call (RPC) is …
Hi Fmicaeli, Thank you for Posting on the Microsoft Vista Community Forums.

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