Scultura 300. The heart of this bike is the Merida Scultura 9000 frame.

Reacto 300. Reacto 5000. フレームセットで985g の超軽量フラッグシップオールラウンダーmerida europe r&dの技術の粋を集めた超軽量scultura cf5フレームとscultura superliteフォークを組み合わせて、量産世界最軽量級のフレームセット重量985gを実現。定評あるsram redとdt swissの新しいrc28cホイールの組み合わ … With this Scultura 9000 LTD machine, Merida claims it now has the world's lightest production road bike, just nosing past the 690g Trek Émonda that weighs 4.65kg/10.25lb with a similar build. Scultura 4000 Juliet. Scultura 400. Reacto 400. Scultura 500. Reacto 400. Reacto 300. Scultura 7000-E. Scultura 9000. Scultura 100. 5% Best Price Guarantee We'll beat any price by 5%* Our 5% Best Price Guarantee is our commitment ... of this he set out to fulfil his dream of high quality bikes made in Taiwan and formed the MERIDA Industry Company Ltd. Cyclist’s test version is the slightly more reasonably specced Scultura 9000, which is only a touch heavier at 5.8kg. Scultura 4000. Reacto 4000. Scultura 5000. Reacto 5000 LTD. Reacto 7000. Reacto DA LTD. Reacto Team-E. Reacto Team-E-LTD Reacto 5000 LTD. Reacto 7000. Scultura 100. Scultura 400.

Reacto 5000. Reacto 500. Scultura 6000. Add to Wish List. Reacto 500. Scultura 200. Scultura 500. Merida Scultura 9000-e Road Bike (2018) Out of stock. Scultura 7000-E. Scultura 9000. Scultura 4000. scultura 9000.

Merida claim it's the world's lightest production frame at 680 grams, just edging out the 690 gram Trek Emonda. Reacto 4000.
Reacto DA LTD. Reacto Team-E. Reacto Team-E-LTD
Scultura 5000.

Scultura 200. Scultura 6000. Scultura 4000 Juliet. That prize goes to the top-tier Scultura 9000 Ltd, a ten grand superbike which tips the scales at an astonishing 4.55kg, making it the lightest production road bike on the market. Scultura 300.

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