According to the Internet Explorer Wikipedia article, it is still supported. IE11 comes pre-installed on Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 or you can download it for Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) from the Internet Explorer Downloads site.

IE 11 is now available via Microsoft Update Catalog, Windows Update and Windows Server Update Service (WSUS).

files downloads internet explorer .. in windows server 2012 Internet Explorer Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. So you have been hit by a corruption somewhere in Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) registry or set up and want to be able to fix it. Arrgh! How to remove Internet Explorer on Windows 10 The days of Internet Explorer (IE) are over, and you should remove it already — here's how. Here's how to install it.

For Windows 2012 it is almost like 2008. With every newly installed Windows Server, I run into the same problem: This default setting is most annoying, but at least it does not take much effort to fix it. I'm assuming that you have to enable it. It can be enabled/disabled for Administrators only or for all users. 2018-03-15 2018-03-20 by Johnny Graber.

Internet Explorer has been designed to view the broadest range of web pages and to provide certain features within the operating system, including Windows Update. Yes, Internet Explorer 11 is available on Windows Server 2019.

During the heydays of the historic browser wars, Internet Explorer superseded Netscape by …

From this point forward, IE 11 will be the only supported version of Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard. This Microsoft article states that app compatibility for IE11 is an optional "Feature on Demand". Internet Explorer on Windows Server: Enable File Downloads.

All the articles and forums and documentation on the Internet seem to say the unfortunate inevitable: “rebuild your system from scratch (format and install) and there is no way to do that in Windows Server 2012 R2 because IE11 is a built-in component.”

On the Windows Server 2012 server desktop, locate and start the Server Manager.

In the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration window decide for whom you want IE ESC enabled or disabled and click OK. Sayonara IE! Choose the right version of Internet Explorer. …

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