Google Pixel 4a Android smartphone. Features 5.81″ IPS LCD display, Snapdragon 730 chipset, 3080 mAh battery, 128 GB storage, 4 GB RAM. The Pixel 4a may drop the Active Edge feature that summons the Google Assistant when you squeeze the side of the phone. A new Pixel 4a price leak says that the Pixel 4a will cost … Here's everything we know so far about the upcoming handset! The Google Pixel 4a is starting to look like the Pixel 4 device you may actually buy, and it could be such a good value that it ends up as one of 2020's best affordable phones. With a slim top bezel and a rear fingerprint sensor, the Pixel 4a is all but certain to skip Google's Motion Sense tech that tracks movements and maps faces for secure unlocking. The Pixel 3a was one of the best mid-range phones of 2019, and Google's expected to follow-up on it in 2020 with the Pixel 4a.

Physically, it looks something like a lovechild between the current Pixel 3a and Google's recent Pixel 4, featuring what looks like an all-plastic curved unibody and a Pixel 4-style square … Not announced yet.

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