I suggest you could backup your local files to Azure blob. Azure Backup is cost-effective and less complex than other cloud backup solutions while keeping your data safe from ransomware and human errors. How to enable Azure native backup for Linux and Windows instances in Azure? To be aware of all the possibilities and constraints, you should refer to Azure Backup server protection matrix for details on each service. Azure Backup is a Microsoft cloud-based data protection solution that, making available several components, allows you to back up your data, regardless of their geographical location (on-premises or in the cloud) toward a Recovery Service vault in Azure.This article will examine the main aspects concerning the protection of Linux virtual machines present in Microsoft Azure, using Azure Backup. kindly introduce the Linux support as well No, it is not possible. To enable the Azure native backup, you need to set up a recovery service vault.Recovery service vault is an online-storage entity in Azure that’s used to hold data, such as backup copies, recovery points, and backup … Back in 2015 I wrote post about backing up data from Linux servers to Azure …

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How-to: backup data from Linux Servers to Azure blob Storage.

We want to backup Fortigate Linux VM which is downloaded from Azure marketplace.

With turnkey deployment directly through the Azure …

NEW Veeam® Backup for Microsoft Azure delivers enterprise-ready Azure backup and recovery to cost-effectively and securely protect your cloud data and easily overcome ANY data loss in minutes! Is it possible to backup individual files (i.e. Watch the animated video One aspect of this collaboration is the development of "tuned" Linux kernels that are optimized for the Azure platform and delivered as fully supported components of the Linux distribution. The Azure Backup Service offers multiple options for backing up on-premises and cloud-based workloads to Azure storage. You could check this blog:backup data from Linux Servers to Azure blob Storage. Example scripts to create app consistent VM backup for Linux VMs running MySQL in Azure using Azure Backup Azure backup server does not support Linux OS as there is no agent available. Currently, Azure shows an error, "Unsupported version for virtual machine backup”. Azure Backup is simple because it’s built into the platform. Instant File Recovery from Azure VM - image credit: Microsoft Introduction Azure Backup is the Azure based service you can use to backup and restore your data in Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform. However, if the files absolutely need to be in the vault (say, because there are Windows Server VMs that need to use them) then I would suggest you use Azure …

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