Toggle Fn Lock. Function Key First — This is the default option. • For example, on some computer models, if the Action Keys Mode is Enabled, pressing f11 will mute the sound as indicated on the action key. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the System Configuration option; Enter the Action Keys Mode option, and then press the enter key to display the Enable / Disable menu. Press the f10 key to open the BIOS setup window. This can often be toggled with an “Fn Lock” key, which functions like a Caps Lock key. Select Disabled, press f10 key to save the selection and reboot; To unlock function key, just set the Action Keys Mode … 2. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow keys to navigate to the Action Keys Mode option, and then press the enter key to display the Enable / Disable menu. The F1-F12 keys perform a different function than intended. Switch to 'Fuction Key First' then hit the 'Apply' box, then 'Exit'. If the keys are enabled, they will function as multimedia keys by default. Now the function keys will work normaly and you can hold 'Fn' to use the multimedia fuctions. Cause.

You may need to hold the FN Key as well to get the intended function. • Enabled: Requires pressing only one of the f1 through f12 keys to use the action as indicated on the action key. Inside, go to the System Configuration tab and look for Action Keys Mode. Toggle the Fn Lock on and the keys will function as if you’re holding down the Fn key all the time, just as the Caps Lock key makes your letter keys function as if you’re holding down the Shift key …

Use the right-arrow or left-arrow keys to navigate to the System Configuration option. Multimedia Key First — Press any multimedia key to perform the associated multimedia action. Select the desired mode: 3:「Action Keys Mode」に合わせた状態で「Enter」を押すと画像のように2択が出てきます。 「Disabled」に合わせて「Enter」を押します。 4:すると「Action Keys Mode」の右側が「Disabled」に変更されているはずです。 Here's what you have to do: As the system in booting hit F2 to go to Setup. BIOSで [System Configuration] から [Action Keys Mode] を [Disabled] に変更します。 こちらの手順はちょっと長くて難しいけれど確実にBIOS設定を呼び出せるし、電源入れた時にF10を何度か押すというクラシックな方法よりもスマートですね。 To avoid guesswork, Google what key you need to hold down in order to boot into BIOS. 3. 4. For HP laptops it’s the Esc key or the F10 key (varies from model to model) and for Dell it’s the F2 key. This can be normal behaviour. That should work for Windows 10 changing the function keys back to normal use without hitting the function key … On some Toshiba laptops, the Function Keys Mode “Special function mode” is set by default instead of “Standard F1-F12 mode”. --under function keys mode change it to standard f1-f12 mode --final hit f10 to save and exit. Select the desired mode Hit 'Like' if …

• The action keys may vary depending on the model of notebook. 5. In the Function Key Behavior, select Multimedia Key First or Function Key First. The piano action mechanism (also known as the key action mechanism or simply the action) of a piano or other musical keyboard is the mechanical assembly which translates the depression of the keys into rapid motion of a hammer, which creates sound by striking the strings. Press any function key to perform the associated function.

From there click 'System Configuration' then 'Function Key Behavior'. For multimedia action, press Fn + the required multimedia key. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow keys to navigate to the Action Keys Mode option, and then press the "enter" key to display the Enable / Disable menu.

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