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While the Referee has correctly pointed out a typo in Eq. We agree with many of the referee™s comments and we now realize that there are many points that we need to explain more clearly. The Publication Process and Writing Referee Reports. -----Report of Referee B and my reply-----Referee B: I regret having to say this, but the manuscript fails to satisfy the most minimal requirements for a scientific publication. Also, since Comments and Replies are inextricably intertwined, the status 3.

An additional alternative referee may read your response. The editor's decision whether to accept or reject the paper or involve a third reviewer may also depend on who the reviewers are: e.g.
All the author can offer is, literally, wishful thinking.
Reply to the first Referee . GLOBAL TASK CATEGORIES FOR PRL EDITORS Total number of tasks for editor to act on No Report from referee / Back From Referee No Report from referee / Out To Referee Manuscripts that are too long to review Back-up tasks from editors who are out Daily tasks done by editor ( 20 – 40 / Day )

Dear, I dont want to insist because i understand its hopeless but following are my answers and comments in red to the referees assuming they might be interested in reading them. Response to the Referee for Physical Review DG8044 We would like to thank the referee for the effort he has put into his report. Le retour des deux referee de prl avec mes réponses en rouge!

The Essential Components of a Good Referee Report. The report was included, but I've since lost the exact text. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - How To Write A Referee Report FA12 The editor has chosen the referee, and has considered the report suitable for transmission to you. We will respond to each of the referee™s comments below. 主题:PRL审稿人一天就回复了是不是基本要杯具了? ... 14Jan13 15Jan13 Review request to referee; report received 20Dec12 05Jan13 Review request to referee; report received 03Jan13 04Jan13 Reminder to referee; response received 27Dec12 30Dec12 Review request to referee; message received (not a report… De : "prl@aps.org" À : fhenryco@yahoo.fr Envoyé le : Mercredi 15 février 2012 5h53 The referee might see your response, insulting her/him will not help you. The Essential Components of a Good Referee Report. Your article will first go to an editor-- The editor will: ... To see what an editor at PRL does, see “Editorial Experience At Physical Review Letters”, by Dr. Saad Hebboul ... How To Write A Referee Report FA14 Reply to the Referee’s report on CB10255/Toke . (S)he might feel The Physical Review Letters(PRL) Criteria. 15, the rest of the report dwells For More Guidance For your future reference, the Institute of Physics has a great online resource on Introduction to Refereeing, that deals ... broad PRL audience? Questioning this as obviously wrong is also not helpful. In the correspondence information for a Comment, "referee" may refer EITHER to the author of the paper which is the object of the Comment OR to an independent referee; the software which produces this report does not distinguish between these categories. Referee report:

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