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Note that battery life and charge cycles vary with use, settings and many other factors; actual results will vary. I hold the side button and go to "Screen Wake." Many Fitbit devices come with a feature called Quick View, which allows you to simply raise your wrist to wake the display.

Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap the quick settings icon .In the quick settings screen, tap the screen wake icon to adjust the setting.. I cannot use the "Screen Wake" feature on my Charge 4.
Aside from screen wake problems, some Fitbit Versa owners always reported that their trackers don’t always wake up when the screen is tapped.This problem could be just a … To wake up in the morning or alert you at a certain time of day, you can set silent alarms that gently vibrate. The screen just went blank but the device is able to sync with my phone Turn your wrist to wake the screen and show your primary clock face. Meet Fitbit Charge 4™—a health & fitness tracker that packs built-in GPS and enhanced heart rate tracking into a sleek, comfortable wristband. Use the Fitbit app to set and manage alarms. It doesn't respond. Turn on or turn off notifications, or change your screen wake setting, press and hold the back button. To dismiss the alarm, double tap the tracker otherwise it will snooze once for 9 minutes. Many Fitbit devices come with a feature called Quick View, which allows you to simply raise your wrist to wake the display. Make sure that is on. The Fitbit Versa features the ability to view your screen regardless of what you are doing. There is an outline of a "grayed out" light bulb with a diagonal line through it.

If you enjoy wearing your Fitbit Inspire to sleep, you'll probably want to turn off the raise-to-wake function, else you'll risk turning over and waking your partner up with a flash of light. Screen wake and notification screen then proceeds to go blank after a couple of seconds.

Each following press of the button will present the next menu option, from heart rate to exercise, to alarms. Use the Fitbit app to set and manage alarms.

It doesn't respond. I cannot use the "Screen Wake" feature on my Charge 4.

There is an outline of a "grayed out" light bulb with a diagonal line through it.

Double tap to turn the screen on and then hold the left side for a few seconds and it should open up a menu with a screen wake setting. You can also manage existing alarms right on your tracker. Build better bedtime habits when you use Sleep Score with the Fitbit app, ... Use do not disturb or sleep mode to mute calls & set a vibrating alarm for reminders or to wake peacefully.

Aside from screen wake problems, some Fitbit Versa owners always reported that their trackers don’t always wake up when the screen is tapped.This problem could be just a … You can also manage existing alarms right on your tracker.

Alexa (Versa 2 only) On Fitbit Versa 2, you can now use the Fitbit skill to ask Alexa to open the Exercise app and start a workout for you. For more information, see How do I see the time on my Fitbit device?

Here are the steps to turn off 'Tap to Wake'.

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