%E5%86%B7%E3%81%9F%E3%81%84 %E7%86%B1%E5%B8%AF%E9%AD%9A %E3%83%90%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3
sudo mdutil -i off "/Volumes/Backup" disables the indexing of the Backup Volume (as documentation suggests it should). How do I disable Spotlight in macOS High Sierra 10.13.4? mds : metadata server mdworker : metadata server worker mds는 자식 프로세스 mdworker와 공존하며 디스크의 파일을 인덱싱합니다. The best way to disable or enable Spotlight search in Mac OS Sierra is by using Terminal. AFAIK this is persistent across sessions (I have not tested this). Howard Oakley: It used to be that you could exclude your Time Machine backups from Spotlight’s indexing. Yeah, from what I read online, I see that you have to be an Admin to run sudo. Check the items you wish to allow Spotlight to index. Disable Spotlight in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Uncheck the items you don’t want Spotlight to index. Select “Spotlight“, located in the top row.

i’ve used Spotless to completely turn off Spotlight. Option 2 – Completely Disable Spotlight Indexing. Comment camelia macrumors 6502. Now, type sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/MYUDBDRIVE This should disable Spotlight for MYUSBDRIVE (insert your USB drive name here). Apr 3, 2015 363 44 Mexico City. The more I think about it, it seems like maybe I only had to run those as Admin and I'm done, but if someone could confirm that, it would be great. You Can’t Turn Off Spotlight on Your Time Machine Backup. If you add a Time Machine backup disk to the privacy list, you will continue to see messages that Spotlight is indexing your backup disk. Original poster. The best way to disable or enable Spotlight search in Mac OS Sierra is by using Terminal. local caches be purged to the appropriate network device.-s

Question : Q : Spotlight et recherches dans Mail et Finder qui ne fonctionnent pas Plus Moins Pied de page Apple Ce site contient des informations, des commentaires et des opinions publiés par les utilisateurs et n’est fourni qu’à titre indicatif. Jan 10, 2018 62 10 VA. Mar 29, 2018 #2 I just updated also...why do you want to disable? Blowback macrumors member. You find all your apps on the search preferences tab. man mdutil Scroll using the space bar, and press q to finish. The bigger question is, "Do all 3 commands that @Fishrrman provided above apply system-wide?" MAC spotlight 不能使用解决方法. after months of having Spotlight hung at indexing – and after trying the first commands suggested for Console here [which only turned off indexing of 1 out of 3 drives connected!]

Question: Q: Spotlight - Disabling search AND indexing from command line.

2016-04-25 11:05:25.036 mdutil[2896:441987] mdutil disabling Spotlight: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly Click on the Apple Menu at the top and choose System Preferences > Spotlight. I have automated image backup for my main volume. -p : Spotlight caches indexes of some network devices locally. Thanks Camelia . -E : erase each local store for the volume, will be rebuilt if appropriate.-i on | off : Sets indexing status, indexing may be delayed due to low disk space or other conditions.. System Preferences seems to override this!

If you want to disable Spotlight search on OS X 10.4 and 10.5, read this guide.A main reason Apple users want to disable Spotlight search is because of mdworker, the software running Spotlight. 즉, 파일 이름과 내용물(메타데이터)를 정리해두었다가 불러내는 일종의 캐시 파일입니다. Every time it runs, the contents of the Backup volume (/Volumes/Backup) reappears in spotlight. If you want to disable Spotlight search on OS X 10.4 and 10.5, read this guide. It is also important that you confirm your Spotlight Search preferences. Not only does this save a great deal of time with the mdworker background service chundering through your backup drive making indexes, not only does it save all the resulting disk activity, but it also saves a lot of space. 报错信息 : mdutil disabling Spotlight: / -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly Indexing disabled. Mar 29, 2018 #3 Blowback … Note: You may have to disable System Integrity Protection to perform these steps. You will then know what you are about to do (and how to undo it). Make sure that you are not excluding apps related to your search in your preferences here. This indexing is necessary for Time Machine to function properly and can’t be disabled. Spotlight does exclude from searches any items you store on your backup disk that are not part of a Time Machine backup. Spotlight Search Not Working on MacBook: Check Your SpotLight Preferences. A main reason Apple users want to disable Spotlight search is because of mdworker, the software running Spotlight. Don't know how off hand but wondering if there is some issue with the update???

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