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With speedtest-cli you can run a test in the command prompt, on any operating system. If you want to check the current internet speed of your Linux server from the command-line, you can use a utility called fast – a minimal zero-dependency script, written in Go language for testing your internet download speed from the terminal, which is powered by Fast.com – Netflix and runs on Linux, Windows and Mac.. This article will list some of the most popular methods to conduct speed tests in Linux using command line apps.

Test your Internet Speed through Ubuntu Command Line Karim Buzdar September 6, 2018 May 9, 2020 Linux , Shell , Ubuntu ← How to Save the Output of Command in a File using Linux Terminal We’ve shown you how to test your internet connection speed using a web browser, but there are a few reasons you might want a command line tool instead. To install latest speedtest-cli tool in Linux systems, you must have Python 2.4-3.4 or higher version installed on the system.

speedtest-cli – Internet Speed Test In Linux Terminal by Sohail December 13, 2019 December 13, 2019 7 I doubt there is a better alternative to Ookla’s speedtest when it comes to testing our internet speed. Want to quickly check the speed of your current Internet connection? This speed testing tool is very simple and has no options whatsoever. Speedtest-cli is able to list server based upon physical distance, test against specific server, and gives you URL to share the result of your internet speed test. The test basically downloads a 10MB file using the wget command to pull a file from a remote server. Internet connection speed tests are helpful for finding out network connection problems, ISP throttling, server throttling, or other connectivity issues.

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