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"When I try to view YouTube videos on my iPad, it says, 'sorry, this video is not available on your device.'" Or, the iPad may be downloading another update or app simultaneously, and your app is waiting in line. Tap on Purchase, look for the apps you have already purchased, the ones you are looking for should appear in the Purchased tab/section/button in the iOS App Store app on the older iPad model. On rare occasions, the iPad forgets about the app. Learn how to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to the latest version of iOS or iPadOS — wirelessly or using your computer. We have quick fixes to sort your dilemma and you will be enjoying YouTube videos like you always used to be. The Apple App Store may be having a hard time figuring out who you are. ‎Make watching your favorite videos easier with the YouTube app. Update the YouTube app. Even if YouTube not working on iPad problem encountered always for various reasons, people still cannot give up watching videos on it because of a numerous variety of videos from educational, motivational, music and funny videos on it. 5 Common Tips to Fix YouTube Not Working on iPhone/iPad When YouTube doesn't work properly on your iPhone/iPod, there is no need to worry about that. So you really need to take measures to fix YouTube not working on iPad problem. Download YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Explore brand new content, music, news and more with the official YouTube app for iPhone and iPad. They destroy our mood to enjoy our life when we are watching videos on YouTube on iPad.

Tap Update All to update all apps.

Update billing and payments for YouTube TV As a YouTube TV member, you’ll automatically be charged the membership price at the start of each new billing cycle until you cancel. We often meet YouTube not working on iPad problems like these. In some cases, you may need to restart your device to update an app. iPhone 4 … Tap Menu My apps & games.

Most of the time, when software on an iPad won't update, the culprit is an authentication problem. Your payment gives you access to YouTube TV for the next month. Five years later, Apple has stopped released new OS versions for the original iPad, so this app can longer be updated to keep up with modifications to the video-streaming service, including some changes to the YouTube Data API that were implemented this week.

There are many factors which can lead to YouTubenot working on iPad. How to Keep the YouTube App If You Have an Old iPhone or iPad. ... their operating system can update to iOS 8 to get access to YouTube. Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Apps with an update available are labeled "Update." Open the Google Play Store app . This meant that the only way to update this app was to upgrade the operating system. For individual apps, find the specific app you want to update and tap Update.

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