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MacBook Air 11" Early 2014 Fehlerdiagnose, Reparatur und Wartungshandbücher. 100% factory tested. Die Neuauflage vom April 2014 von Apples MacBook Air 11" erhielt aufgefrischte Dual Core i5 und i7 Haswell Prozessoren und eine leicht verbesserte Akkuleistung.

1.4GHz or 1.6GHz Processor, 64GB or 128GB SSD. MacBook Air 11" Mid 2012 Repair. Apple introduced the 11" MacBook Air on October 20, 2010, as a lighter, handier version of their super-thin 13" Air. Tested and guaranteed to have no cycles on the cell and to have a capacity greater than 4850 mAh. Spot tested by iFixit … This MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) replacement battery is what you need to bring your dead laptop back to life! This MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011-Early 2015) replacement battery is what you need to bring your dead laptop back to life! Tested and guaranteed to have no cycles on the cell and to have a capacity greater than 4850 mAh. MacBook Air 11" Late 2010 troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals. Laptop; Year of Production.

It is recognized by its tapering form factor … The MacBook Air Late 2010 was released October 21, 2010. It is the same thickness as the previous model. The MacBook Air model A1465 was released June 11, 2012. Wir bieten eine lebenslange iFixit-Garantie auf viele Produkte. Wir bieten eine lebenslange iFixit-Garantie auf viele Produkte. 1.6 or 1.8 GHz dual-core processor, 2 GB or 4 GB of SDRAM, 64 GB or 128 GB SSD MacBook Air 11" Mid 2011 Repair . Apple; OS. Apple Teilenummern: 922-9973, 923-0433, 923-00500. New battery guaranteed at capacity greater than 6800 mAh. Filter Casing. Alle Informationen zu unseren Garantiebestimmungen findest du hier. MacBook Air 11" (Mitte 2011 bis Anfang 2015) Spezifikationen. MacBook Air 11" A1370 Ende 2010 1,4 GHz oder 1,6 GHz; Spezifikationen Modellnummer: A1375 Designkapazität: 4790 mAh Wattstunden (Wh): 35 Spannung: 7,3 Garantie. MacOS; Type. While the performance and battery life of the smaller model were diminished relative to the … This MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011 to Early 2015) Replacement Battery Fix Kit is everything you need to bring your laptop back to life.

Spot tested by iFixit staff in San Luis Obispo, CA to ensure consistency of quality and capacity. 1.7 GHz dual-core Intel Processor (Turbo Boost up to 2.6 GHz) with 3 MB shared L3 cache. Our aftermarket replacement batteries lead the industry in quality and reliability – each is tested and guaranteed to have a capacity greater than 4850 mAh. The fourth iteration of MacBook Air, this model is the thinnest and cheapest MacBook Air to date. Late 2010; Mid 2009; Mid 2011; Mid 2013; MacBook Air 13” (Late 2010 to 2017) Replacement Battery . Mac Mini; Mac Pro; MacBook Air; MacBook Pro; Display (Inch) 11 Inch; 13 Inch; Manufacturer. Author: Jake Devincenzi (and 2 other contributors) MacBook Air 11" parts for DIY repair. Alle Informationen zu unseren Garantiebestimmungen findest du hier. Unibody; Device.

The 11″ MacBook Air did equal its broader sibling in terms of repairability, scoring a 4 out of 10 on our repairability scale. This mid-2012 update includes all that is on the previous model including Apple's Thunderbolt port, backlit keyboard, and an upgrade to USB 3.0. Teardown highlights: • The refreshed MacBook Air 11″ retains the same model number as the 2012 iteration: A1465. Screens, batteries, keyboards, logic boards, hard drives, connectors, and small parts all tested and guaranteed with fast shipping and easy returns.

The slim, trendy profile of the 11″ model is identical to that of its 13″ sibling, down to the new dual-microphone array. Garantie. 100% factory tested. iFixit iFixit Store Europe Macbook Air Macbook Air. This model is the fifth iteration of MacBook Air.

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