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RUGBY LEAGUE World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) has announced global sportswear brand, Kappa, as an official sponsor of the tournament. The launch of Rugby World Cup 2021 attracted the great and the good from New Zealand. The 2021 Rugby League World Cup will be the sixteenth staging of the Rugby League World Cup and will be held in England between 23 October 2021 and 27 November 2021. This small window of opportunity will allow these set groups to purchase tickets before anyone else. The tournament would be held in Ireland and the UK and would see all the top-tier nations face each other just two years after the last RWC. British & Irish Lions 2021 World Rugby rejects ‘Coronavirus Cup’ suggestion. The Rugby League World Cup 2021 has signed up sportswear brand Kappa as its Official Apparel Sponsor. Now contested every four years, with a series of qualification tournaments leading up to it, the RLWC is open to all full and affiliate members of the International Rugby League (IRL). Catch up on the official #RWC2021 event in Auckland, as dates were announced and the brand revealed. 2020-05-28 06:49. share this . The deal for next year’s event, which will take place in England, will see Kappa supply all the kit for match officials, staff and volunteers at the tournament. On 27 October 2016, it was confirmed that England won the hosting rights for the 2021 Rugby League World Cup. In 2011, many believed that New Zealand Rugby operated one of the most fan-friendly Rugby World Cups. In September, we will go on pre-sale to two groups – the rugby league family and corporate partners in group one and Host cities and venues, those residents within host cities and on venue databases in group two. Rugby World Cup 2021 launches in Auckland . Rugby World Cup 2021. The Rugby League World Cup has been the pinnacle of International Rugby League since 1954. The tournament will include 16 teams, an increase of two from the last two tournaments. An unofficial Rugby World Cup plan has been put forward to World Rugby, that could raise up to €500m for the organisation. Auckland, Northland and … The Rugby World Cup 2021 will be the ninth Rugby World Cup for women and the first to be held in the southern hemisphere. It would also mean that the Lions tour of South Africa would be cancelled.

And with the 2021 Rugby World Cup schedule confirmed, the nation can plan to host another Cup tournament. Rugby World Cup 2021, which will feature 12 of the best women’s rugby teams in the world in New Zealand, unveiled its logo and schedule for the tournament. RWC 2021 will run from 18th September – 16th October 2021.

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